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Signs and Graphics for Schools and Universities in Orange County!

 Mar 15, 2016

Loyal readers of our blog are familiar with the working relationship between Cal State Fullerton and Superior Signs and Graphics. We have collaborated on beautifying stadium walls, creating a welcoming concession area and adding signage to the student’s bookstore. This time, the CSUF Titan Shops needed wayfinding graphics and a window wrap. Since we are familiar with the campus and know what type of signage the administration wants to see, it was a quick project to add these signs and graphics for schools and universities in Orange County, CA.

Enhancing the Student Experience through Signage

Window graphics for retailers in Orange County CA

Colorful window graphics!

We started with the window and added a wrap. It features the colors orange and blue, shows off the mascot and spells out “Titan Shops” with a website address. We placed the lettering at an angle. Next, we created an escalator graphic that depicts a large, orange arrow that spells out “Books.” Pointing the way to the upper level, it helps students, particularly those who are new to the campus, to find their ways around the facility. This signage combination now adds to the branding of the store and provides added directional help.

What Signage Could Improve Students’ Experiences on Your Campus?

Signs and graphics for schools in Orange County CA

Vinyl graphics point the way to books!

Signage is important at the college level but also at elementary and high schools. Even at the preschool level, signage that provides directional assistance to parents, as well as pre-readers, is of vital importance to make the youngest learners feel comfortable in the environment. There are plenty of display options open to you.

  • Murals. Wall murals are ideal for younger learners. Include arrows that point in the directions of the cafeteria, the restrooms and any other location that children might look for throughout the school day.
  • Blade signs. Installed perpendicular to the wall, these products hang above the heads of learners. Doing so makes them easily visible for those walking down hallways. Some campus administrators like to combine blade signs with ADA-compliant room signs. By having these products display similar colors and shapes, it is possible to preserve the great looks of the hallways’ interior décor.
  • Floor graphics. Using the floors as display surfaces for your signage is an excellent method for maximizing wayfinding assistance without cluttering walls. Schools catering to younger learners like to use images of footprints or animal paw prints. At the middle and high school levels, the use of colorful graphics with arrows and lettering prove to make the most sense. At the college level, consider the display of department names or room numbers.
  • Kiosk Wraps – Take your school pride on the go by wrapping a movable kiosk to take to events and games!

Discussing Signs and Graphics for Schools and Universities in Orange County, CA, with the Experts

Concession Kiosk Wraps for Schools and Universities in Orange County

Wrap your kiosk!

Contact our graphic artists to learn more about the options open to you when planning to add more signage to your campus. We welcome the opportunity to visit your location, take an inventory of the signs that you already have and perhaps make suggestions for signage solutions that would be ideal for your setting. At that time, our experts can also pinpoint locations that are in need of some directional signs to make wayfinding without assistance possible. Contact us today to get started on your project.

Signs and Graphics for schools and universities in Orange County CA

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