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Every business with a brick & mortar business location needs a sign. But what will make your sign stand out from the rest? Proper design, fabrication, color, location and installation are needed to ensure your investment in exterior signage pays off. This is where the experts at Superior Signs and Graphics can really help make a difference! We are located in Paramount and all of Orange County!
Although building signs are the most recognized type of outdoor signs – there are other options that can replace or compliment a building mounted sign. Monument signs are freestanding signs that have graphics on one or both sides, and are typically 6’ tall or less. Post & Panel signs are similar to monument signs but are elevated off the ground by the posts. Pylon signs are tall versions of freestanding signs that are mounted on one or multiple pylons. Finally, there are windflags, banners and a-frame signs that are used in outdoor sign applications.
The decision on lighted or non-lighted should be based upon your type of business and your location. If you are a restaurant and open at night – you need a lighted sign. If you are in a light industrial building and don’t have any major street frontage – a lighted sign would not be a wise investment. The availability of electrical power at the sign location can also influence this decision.
Lets go a little deeper on the options for building logo signs and lettering. Three Dimensional Letters and logos can be fabricated from foam, PVC, acrylic or aluminum. Flat cut out lettering is available in thicknesses from ¼” to 2” depending upon material choice. If offset pin mounting is desired, then a denser material like PVC, acrylic or aluminum are needed so the studs can be threaded into the rear of the letters. Custom paint colors are available, or thin laminated faces in materials like brushed aluminum or polished aluminum. Some logos that have lots of detail may require a printed vinyl overlay on portions of the logo.
Our talented Graphic Designers can help you decide on exactly how you want your logo displayed in terms of size and color choices. Seeing a virtual image of the proposed sign on the building will help determine if size and color choice will look appropriate – and is also used for the City permit package. Our state-of-the-art CNC router bed will cut your lettering and logo precisely, and can add threaded stud holes for installation.
We’re a C-45 Licensed Sign Installation Contractor and are licensed to install any kind of sign. We’re bonded and insured and have our own aerial equipment. We also offer permitting services.
When you are ready to get your sign project started – it is as easy as one call to our Superior Sales Team at (714) 739-2855 for a FREE QUOTE or just click below, and enter your information and we will have a representative contact you!