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Orange County Van and Truck Wraps and Graphics for Fleet Owners

 Feb 18, 2014
Orange County Fleet vehicle vinyl lettering

Orange County Fleet vehicle vinyl lettering

Do you own or operate a business with a large fleet of service or delivery vehicles? Do you worry about the time that your drivers spend being stuck in the traffic congestion that is now ubiquitous in Orange County? Van graphics, wraps, decals and lettering can turn this traffic-dictated downtime into active marketing and advertising time!
Quoting the Texas A&M Transportation Institute, the Los Angeles Times has revealed that drivers nationwide waste about 38 hours per year due to congested traffic. In Orange County, this number is as high as 61 hours a year. Looking forward to a recovering economy, researchers predict that this number is likely to get worse.

Orange County van wraps and graphics for fleets

Dress up your Orange County fleet with van graphics!

Most anyone groans at the prospect and settles in for a long commute through Orange County. Truck graphics turn the stop and go traffic in one of your biggest advertising allies. After all, when you have a captive audience, what will they do other than look around and idly peruse the sights of the highway – nothing to see there – or the beautifully wrapped and decked out fleet vehicle in front of (or next to) them?
Research has proven that the vast majority of consumers remember a wrapped vehicle. When quizzed, these individuals could frequently name the brand, identify the logo and even point out the colors! When you are ready to add some Orange County van wraps that do business when everyone else is stuck, consider how cost-effective this move is for your entire fleet.

  • Durable materials. The technicians at Superior Signs and Graphics only use top quality vinyl materials for your wraps and decals. Whether you choose a full wrap, which is highly recommended, or decide to go with a partial wrapping, decals or lettering, you know that the vinyl will remain looking great for about five years. There is no peeling or fading. In short, your round-the-clock billboard is perfect eye candy for the folks stuck on the highways and byways in and around Orange County. Truck wraps are professionally installed, which ensures the proper adhesion of the product.
  • Guaranteed views. There is a good chance that one wrapped fleet vehicle can get as many as 70,000 impressions a day. Imagine if all of your vehicles were wrapped and out on the roads! The number of impressions would be stellar and your marketing message would get a huge audience on a daily basis. Per 1,000 impressions, you spend about $0.35 with a wrap. Did you know that you have to spend $23.70 to get the same number of impressions with a television ad?
Orange County truck graphics for fleets

Your fleet will get noticed with truck graphics!

In the future, when your drivers are calling in from the Orange County highways reporting traffic jams, you can lean back and relax. They are not wasting time; rather, they are actively advertising your business! If you are not certain about the types of graphics to include in your wrap – or if you just need a little bit of help with the wording of your message – talk to our experienced graphic artists. We work with the lines of your vehicles to discover the optimal placement of the information. Contact us for a free quote today!

Image credit: Zhou Liwei

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