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Contractors License #1015342


Making a Commercial Van With an Old Vinyl Wrap Look Like New Again in Buena Park!

 Dec 28, 2020

A couple of years ago, our shop did a vehicle graphics package for Atlantic Home Entertainment & Stereo. Our specialists used 3M flat surface vinyl to save the client money. The finished results were sleek graphics products that look fantastic. Recently, the client came to us with a far more challenging commercial van wrap project in Buena Park CA.

Removing Old Cracked Van Graphics

Commercial van wrap project in Buena Park CA

Before Atlantic Stereo knew that Superior Signs and Graphics did vehicle wraps, they took two of their Transit Connect vans to another shop. There, they commissioned full wraps. Unfortunately, the competitor did not use 3M products. Moreover, the installation of the vinyl products was not done according to 3M recommendations. Here are a few pictures of the van with the old graphics before and during removal:

old cracked van graphics before removal

van graphics before removal

Commercial Van Graphics Removal in Buena Park CA

As a result, water got under the wraps’ seams and caused the formation of unsightly yellow stripes. Next, there was an age issue. Those wraps had remained on the vans for a long time. The south-facing sides of the vehicles were beaten by the sun, which resulted in cracked vinyl. It got so bad that the damage caused the white paint under it to yellow.

When the client brought these vans into our shop, they wanted the old wrap removed. We took on the project, which resulted in a 28-hour job. That said, after our technicians were through with the work, the vans were ready for a new look.

Replacing Worn Van Wraps with a New Graphics Product

commercial van graphics in fullerton

Since the old wrap wore poorly, the client asked us to replace the faulty product with die-cut decals. They hoped that this would prevent an expensive future removal project. However, we worked with the client to create a graphics product that is far better-wearing and suitable for advertising the company once more.

ford transit connect graphics in anaheim

We partially wrapped the driver’s side door of the van that had a yellowed appearance. Using white vinyl before installing the die-cut graphics ensured that viewers would not see any yellowing. After the installation of the replacement graphics, the vans look like new. In fact, it is not easy to believe that this is the same van that we cleared of the yellowing vinyl!

Commercial Van Wrap Project in Buena Park CA | Here is How to Prevent Damage

cargo van graphics in santa ana

  • Work with a 3M preferred graphics installer. Water should never get under the seams of a wrap. Moreover, there are specialized vinyl products for various projects. Because our technicians underwent the training, we know what vinyl to use and how to install it according to factory recommendations.
  • Prevent sun damage. In SoCal, sun exposure is a real problem. However, we have found that you can avoid having a wrap get as beaten as the van we recently worked on. Instruct your drivers to alternate the ways they park the vehicles. For example, one month, all drivers pull into a parking space front first. The next month, they back in. Doing so evens out the sun exposure and can extend the life of the wrap.
  • Get help. Before you try to remove stains or road grime with harsh chemicals, talk to our experts. We can help you find better ways to clean the vehicles that protect seams, graphics, and colors.

Contact us today to learn more about commercial van wraps or to discuss your next signage project!

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