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Located at 26439 Rancho Parkway South in Suite 165, Precept Environmental, Inc. provides unbiased advice on the management of disease-causing pathogens in your environment. This company schedules consultations for those companies concerned about indoor air quality, water management, facility disinfection and similar disciplines. When the company was considering the addition of a lobby sign, its management team contacted the professionals at Superior Signs and Graphics.
After meeting with the organization’s team, we discussed the various options for the signage. Subsequent to presenting the options, the team selected our low cost aluminum lobby signs. For Orange County companies that want to display almost identical signage in a lobby as well as a conference room setting, this is an excellent choice. We started with acrylic and then custom laser-cut the lettering as well as the logo design.
The intricacies of the logo made the use of a router impractical, since some of the detail work would be lost. Adding a black acrylic overlay, we enhanced the definition of the logo. Next, we covered the signage in brushed metal with matching silver sides. The sign now looks as though it were made of metal through and through. One lobby sign measures 70 inches in width and displays in the conference room. The actual foyer marker is 48 inches wide. Both signs look professional, chic and perfectly suit the surroundings.
As the calling card for your business, the lobby sign sets the tone for the experience your clients, business contacts and investors will have with your staff. These signs direct the mood and overall atmosphere. Whether you are embracing an avant-garde business model or valuing a traditional way of interacting, the sign on your wall tells those visiting your venue what to expect.
Accomplishing this feat is possible with the use of signage materials and manufacturing techniques. For example, Precept Environmental sought the professional attitude that comes from the display of aluminum. Saving money is possible by creating the body of the sign from acrylic rather than the metal. Other companies rely on the use of metal or acrylic-clad foam to communicate their branding.
Contact our graphic designers today to discuss your signage needs. We work with you to discover the ideal material to communicate your branding and marketing messages to your customers or clients. Next, we provide you with budget-friendly alternatives that give you that million-dollar look without actually breaking your bank. This might call for the use of foam that we later cover with metal. It may refer to the use of PVC that we envelop with a digitally imprinted vinyl overlay. The possibilities are endless.
We look forward to meeting with your management team and learning more about your business. Once we are confident that we have captured your vision, we create sketches that let you see the sign how your clients would take it in. Finally, we manufacture and install the product. Call us today to get started on your order.