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Contractors License #1015342


Buena Park Honda Advertises With Vehicle Vinyl Lettering & Graphics!

 Jul 08, 2014
Dealership parts truck vehicle graphics

Let your parts truck advertise for you!

Buena Park Honda is located at 6411 Beach Boulevard. A Sonic Automotive dealership, this company not only offers great vehicle models at good prices, but it also operates a service center. When it came time to put their Ford parts truck to work and do some branding, the dealership’s management team contacted Superior Signs and Graphics.

The team had very specific instructions for us, which included a basic design template for the vehicle. We manufactured attractive decals and perfectly sized lettering that fit on the bed and side portions of the vehicle. Against the backdrop of the white paint job, the blue and black colors of the lettering stand out. The information displays the Honda logo and name, the website address of the dealership and the phone number.

At some point in the future, the management team will ask us to do a full cab wrap of their stake bed truck. Combined, these two vehicles represent a powerful marketing punch. It is clear that vehicle vinyl lettering for Orange County auto dealerships is as good a marketing tool in this setting as it is for virtually any type of business. The advantages of the decals and lettering are clear.

Auto dealership part truck vinyl lettering Buena Park

Get rid of that all-white parts truck!

  • Enhance name recognition. When the truck with the Honda name, decal and dealership information drives through the streets, consumers read the names. Repeated trips down the streets result in name recognition.
  • Create and fill a need. Your customers may not have realized that a mobile auto repair service or parts department could meet their needs – until they see this service advertised on your parts truck. At that time, you not only help the consumer to recognize a need, but you are also on hand to fill the need.
  • Advertise secondary services. Use the advertising space on your service vehicle to let the consumer know about additional services that your company provides. While Buena Park Honda was advertising its mobile parts department, it also provided the website address to the dealership, which allows consumers to get more information on buying or selling a vehicle. By the way, did you know that some companies have begun advertising open positions within the company in this manner as well? You usually see this with trucking outfits but now also with electricians and plumbers.
  • Brand the business. Help customers to perceive your business in a manner that is positive and in keeping with your motto or mission statement. Whether it is your involvement in the community, your goal of meeting customer service needs in the home or the idea of providing value-added services at no additional charge, the consumer needs to know about these things to connect them to your brand.
Vehicle vinyl lettering and graphics Buena Park CA

Find out what we can do for your parts vehicle!

When you order vehicle vinyl lettering for Orange County area businesses, our expert decal and graphics professionals will ask to see any artwork that you already have on hand. Next, we discuss the placement of the lettering and the decals. Keeping in mind the lines of your vehicle’s make and model, we seek to create the most visually appealing design. Moreover, we focus on legibility, which allows moving motorists to take in your message with a glance.

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