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Blaine Labs does business at 11037 Lockport Place. It provides a broad range of pharmaceutical products as well as personalized labeling. When we met with the company’s management team, we learned that it needed two custom aluminum building logo signs.
Due to the building’s location, the company needed two signs that would alert consumers to its presence. Our technicians constructed both of them with quarter-inch-thick aluminum. However, the client requested different heights in keeping with the mounting locations’ proportions.
Adding your logo to your building sign gets your business noticed!
The sign above the loading dock door is slightly larger than the marker that we placed on the wall to the right of the entrance. We decided against putting a sign above the entryway because of the lush landscaping that is growing there. Our team painted the aluminum in the firm’s custom colors.
Now, prospective customers heading toward the laboratory have an easy time finding the venue even as they are still down the street. Moreover, it is also easy to notice the company’s name as you pull up. The combination of both markers is undoubtedly a smart advertising move.
For this Laboratory, we added two signs!
In some cases, the combination of building signs is all you need. The dimensional letters feature your unique colors, which further boosts brand recognition. Of course, you might choose another set of combinations, too.
We are experts at building sign installation!
Does your company’s location make the right impression? Is it easy for prospective customers or clients to find you? If you are not sure, or if your business gets many calls asking for directions, there is a good chance that you might have some room for improvement. Invite our team out for a site survey. We gladly help you pinpoint areas where you do well with signage as well as spots where even a small tweak could significantly boost the impression you make on the consumer. We are also experts in building sign installation!
Contact us today to schedule your appointment!