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Contractors License #1015342


Apartment Complex Signage Makeovers in Santa Ana and Whittier Give a Clean Modern Look!

 Oct 23, 2019

Apartment Complex Signage | Santa Ana CA | Whittier CA

Located at 1380 South Anaheim Boulevard, ConsensYs Property Management oversees properties in Los Angeles and Orange County. Examples are the Villa Marseilles in Santa Ana and The Mediterranean Apartments in Whittier. When these properties needed apartment complex signage makeovers, the firm’s representative contacted our sign shop for assistance.

A Site Survey Reveals the Extent of the Project

Apartment Complex Sign Makeovere | Santa Ana | Whittier CA

Parking signs for apartment complexes are essential!

We conducted a site survey to determine what needed to be done. After consulting with the client, we used their brand colors and fonts for the various signage displays.

  • Leasing/rental office signage. Using an arrow to assist with wayfinding, the new leasing office sign makes it easy for prospective tenants to locate the onsite manager. A second sign identifies the hours of operation for the onsite office. This sign also features an emergency phone number for tenants who need assistance after hours.
  • Prospective resident parking. To ensure that prospective tenants do not interfere with the daily comings and goings of current tenants, it was vital to set aside some parking spots for these customers. Our team created signage that identifies these spots.
  • Monument signs. In keeping with the post and panel design that the firm favors, we continued this presentation for the monument signs, too. They identify the names of the communities, the phone number of the office, and highlight the website address of the management company.
Leasing office signs for apartment complexes | Santa Ana | Whittier CA

Be sure your leasing office signs easy to see!

Because many of these post and panel signs had components that were in excellent shape, you will notice that the markers are a combination of wood and aluminum composite. Besides that, we changed out all the older signs that needed to be replaced as well as signposts that showed too much wear. Others we painted to fit in with the new look.

To protect the management firm’s investment, we added an anti-graffiti laminate to the signs. It makes it possible to wipe off any graffiti that vandals might put on these markers. As a result, these signs always look like new, professional, and unmarred.

Why Choose an Anti-Graffiti Coating?

Signage Makeovers for Property Management Companies | Santa Ana | Whittier CA

If you manage any sort of property, ask us about a signage makeover!

Signs with graffiti give your property a questionable appeal. This is particularly true when it remains in place for more than a couple of days. In the past, your maintenance staff would attempt to clean off the markers or paint over the scribbles. Doing so would, of course, deface the signage somewhat.

Some management companies would order multiple signage products just to replace the ones that would become defaced. After all, your property is much more attractive when it does not show any signs of vandalism. You no longer have to spend this much money on your signage.

Anti-Graffiti Apartment Complex Signs | Santa Ana | Whittier CA

We recommend anti-graffiti laminate on all your property management signs!

Rather, take a page from the playbook of ConsensYs Property Management. Opt for the anti-vandalism coating that makes cleanup a snap. Use a specially-formulated cleaning solution or simply some paint thinner on a soft cloth. Rub the graffiti, and it comes right off. There is no longer a need for painting out the scribbles or replacing the signs.

Learn more about graffiti-proof apartment complex signage makeovers in Southern California today. Connect with our sign shop now.

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