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When you run a property management company, you know that graffiti is bad for business. Clausen Enterprises, a long-established client of Superior Signs and Graphics, is well aware of this. In the past, we had done signage for them that features the anti-graffiti laminate. The company goes to great lengths to protect its signage investment with these specialty coatings. Cases in point are the anti-graffiti window graphics we just recently installed.
Lease spaces faster with window graphics!
The space that the property management firm advertises takes up an attractive corner space. It is a highly visible retail location in a shopping center. To ensure that plenty of eyes see the message, the management company asked us to create three sets of “For Lease” red lettering products to put up as overhead signs.
Similarly, we treated eight window panes with window graphics that feature the anti-graffiti laminate. The colorful graphics underscore Southern California’s commercial appeal as well as the shopping that takes place at this venue. It is an excellent combination of branding and marketing via the window panes. Most importantly, they are treated with the laminate, which protects them against defacing.
Keep spaces graffiti free using our easy to clean laminate!
Spray-painted “art” or permanent marker scribbles may suddenly crop up. From one day to the next, they could mar the appearance of any signage product. For the business owner or management company, graffiti creates problems.
We can help with all your commercial property “for lease” signage!
The graffiti “artist” does not care what the scribbles do to your business. S/He does not bother to think through the long-term consequences of placing the graffiti there. Therefore, it falls on your shoulders to deal with it. Installing anti-graffiti window graphics and signs is an excellent way of protecting your investment.
Just scrub the signage with a cleaning solution, and restore it to its factory look. There is no need to sandblast, power wash, or repaint. Rather, cleaning the surface and drying it off is all it takes to make the sign look like it never encountered the spray paint or permanent marker. It is a great way to protect the integrity of your Anaheim business.
If you are in the market for “For Lease” or other window graphics, work with our sign shop. We show you how the anti-graffiti coating is an excellent addition to your product. Contact us today!