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Contractors License #1015342


Wall Mural Brands Entry of Insurance Company’s New Offices in Irvine!

 Jan 08, 2018

Mission West Insurance Solutions recently rebranded. The company provides full-service brokerage services for all its clients’ insurance needs. Located at 9841 Irvine Center Drive in Suite 200, the company needed to upgrade its brand message inside the office. After the management team decided to do so with a wall mural in Orange County, its representative contacted our sign shop to discuss the design, manufacture, and installation of the product.

A Logo Encapsulates a Brand Message

Insurance Office Wall Murals | Irvine CA

Add ambiance to your office entryway!

After consulting with our client, we worked with a photograph that the team provided. We took the image and overlaid it with the business’ logo and tagline. After printing it on high-quality vinyl, we installed it to the entry wall that you see immediately as you enter the suite. Because the company also wanted to display some branding information for visitors walking up to the office, we created a die cut white vinyl logo for the front glass that is right above the entry door. It shows the company’s name and symbol.

Using Murals to Your Advantage

There are plenty of reasons to incorporate a mural in your office’s interior décor. For starters, it covers the entirety of a wall and allows for the placement of your company’s logo, name, tagline, and similar information. Secondly, it provides a vehicle for the infusion of brand colors in the form of artwork or backdrop features. Doing so sets the tone for introducing the corporate palette to first-time clients.

Window Lettering | Irvine CA

Vinyl window lettering reinforces your brand!

However, there is still more you can do with a mural.

  • Educate clients about products or services. What is it that you sell or do? By selecting a niche-specific image, you help visitors to your office combine their knowledge of your brand information with the services you sell.
  • Create brand buy-in. Branding is the art and science of getting a prospective client to decide that doing business with you – as opposed to the competitor down the street – simply makes the most sense. You can accomplish this by pointing out commonalities. Maybe there are local organizations that you support, which your clients also like. Another way of connecting is your commitment to eco-friendly products or responsible raw material sourcing. Spell it out with a mural.
  • Incorporate visual aesthetics. Do not discount the power of an attractive office lobby or meeting room. When clients feel comfortable at your venue, they are more likely to come back. If they do not like the atmosphere, they may choose to go somewhere else. You can combine artwork that appeals to your target demographic with corporate colors for best results.

What Could Your Business Do With a Wall Mural in Orange County?

Window Lettering and Graphics | Irvine CA

Choose the experts for your project!

If we have inspired you to take another look at the walls of your storefront or office, call us. We can help you put together a new look that effectively communicates a brand message or markets your products with ease. Close your doors tonight with the same so-so wall paint job and re-open tomorrow with a great new look that wows customers and clients. Contact us today to get started on your project!

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