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Yes, your budget can afford vehicle graphics!
Have you always thought that running successful advertising campaigns is only for the big chains or stores? Think again! Light Up My Holiday is the kind of company that puts these theories to shame. In the niche of installing and taking down Christmas lights or lighting for any other holiday or special occasion, Light Up My Holiday is a small business. Last year, the proprietor contacted Superior Signs and Graphics to create yard signs and magnets that the company used to advertise its services.
We can walk you through this affordable ad tool!
Success was almost instant. This year, the company invested in a used cargo van for the business. Knowing that there is huge success to be had with vehicle graphics, Orange County based Light Up My Holiday called us again. This year, the owner presented us with a firm $1,200 budget. Would we be able to manufacture and install a professional graphics package that would turn the van into a moving billboard? He also wanted us to use vinyl – in the same color as the van – to apply to the rear windows to cover up the unsightly tools and ladders, which gives the vehicle a much more elegant look and also keeps prying eyes away.
Could we work with this budget and fulfill the order to the letter? You bet! We matched the vinyl window covers to the van’s paint job. Next, we added information about the business niche and marketed with a “free estimates” slogan. Beneath the rear window covers is the phone number to call and the name as well as the logo of the business. The website address is placed right above the bumper. We also placed the website address on the sides and once again identified the niche, contact information and additional selling points. Examples include the fact that the company designs light setups and is licensed as well as insured.
Yes, you’ll get this much detail and color!
If a small business owner succeeds at marketing this effectively on a tight budget, is it not time for you to find out how to maximize your vehicle graphics budget in Orange County and its surrounding areas?
Increase your advertising outreach as your income increases. If you do not have a big start-up fund, focus on quick visibility. In this case, the proprietor chose yard signs and vehicle magnets. Other possibilities include decals, vehicle vinyl lettering or window posters.
Yes, the price includes window perf!
When you buy your first business vehicle, pay close attention to the color. If you have a choice between multiple vehicles, choose the one that most accurately resembles the backdrop of your website’s setup. This saves you money on decals and wraps, and also contributes to your branding efforts.
Could this proprietor have gotten more mileage out of the magnets and yard signs he ordered? Sure! But instead, he chose to take some of his yearly profits and invest them in advertising for this season. As a result, his business is with stand-out, eye-grabbing vehicle graphics!
Are you ready to follow suit? Talk to our friendly graphic marketing experts for budget-friendly solutions to your small – or large – business marketing and branding signage needs.