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Dressing up this van was magic!
Do you think that you need a vehicle in pristine condition to get a wrap? Think again! When it comes to car wraps, Orange County van graphics experts SuperiorCarWraps.com show how it’s done. (SuperiorCarWraps.com is a division of Superior Signs and Graphics.)
It all started when we bought a used 2002 Ford Van. Being 12 years old and costing only about $4,000, you can imagine that the white paint job was pretty beaten up. Some wrap companies tell you they cannot work with this type of vehicle. Not us! We did a wrap design with subliminal Superior Signs and Graphics and SuperiorCarWraps.com logos in color. Using a step and repeat fashion, we also added black and white background boxes listing our products and services.
This 2002 Ford van needed some help!
To dress up the van’s look even further, we added some graphics depicting tire tracks and a few mud splashes. The addition of large full-color letters seems to hide all of the dents, dings and paint chips. To really turn a few heads, we installed a black carbon fiber wrap on the hood. Look closely. Does this still look like a beat up old van? No! It is a head-turning marketing and branding machine. It commands attention and impresses with the use of multiple graphics and letters. If we can do something like this to an old van, imagine what we can do to your ride!
But, we turned an old 2002 van into this!
Advertise to your Orange County – or L.A. County – audience with a wrap. Whether you drive a scooter, small car, family sedan, van, truck or operate a fleet of vehicles, we can apply a wrap that advertises your business, identifies your niche and helps with name recognition. No vehicle is too big or small for a professionally designed and installed wrap.
While it is true that flaking rust is a problem for any wrap, dings, dents and scratches are not. Depending on the condition of your vehicle’s exterior, we can most likely still install a great-looking wrap that will adhere and last just as long as if you had driven the vehicle new off the lot a week ago.
Amazing van wrap from all sides!
Stand out while you are driving down the road. Turn heads and enhance your company’s name recognition. Position yourself as an authority in your niche, which is going to be a lot easier simply by being visible on a daily basis.
It is not just the business owner who likes the idea of a vehicle wrap. Orange County motorists, whose rides are not as cool as they would like them to be, look to this product to change the appearance in the most dramatic fashion possible. We can use exotic wraps and other products that are eye grabbers and get you lots of attention.
Even the rear of this van shines!
What are you waiting for? Make your dinged vehicle look like new today with a customized wrap that hides even the ugliest scratches and scrapes.