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Located at 7550 Orangethorpe Avenue, Jumping Dak is your go-to location for savory chicken with a tasty Korean twist. Enjoy it as a delicious sandwich or in bite size morsels. Flavors change, depending on whether you select the variety with Gochujang hot red pepper paste or the sweeter versions instead. When the management team of this eatery needed wall murals for restaurants in Buena Park, CA, it contacted our experts for assistance.
Tell the story of your eatery on the wall!
After consulting with our client, we learned that the team was looking for a way to display its menu and set the tone for the eatery. Previously, they had two small acrylic panels outlining the food choices, but they were difficult to read. In fact, the client had an excellent idea of what would look great. The team had already designed the mural and showed us the style elements. They were right; the concept looked fantastic.
Our graphic artists went to work and took the components of the proposed mural, sized them, and set them in place to harmonize with each other. Moreover, the mural had to fit perfectly around an existing lighted, round wall logo that brands the location. Our experts ensured proper spacing of the components that would create a visually appealing setup. It directs the customer’s attention to the logo and from there to the signature flavor listings.
Add flair and restaurant menu choices!
Making a selection is now a snap! The mural is the first thing the guest sees when entering. S/He is drawn in by the display of tasty food and the accompanying information. Our client loved the way that the mural now looks inside the location. In fact, the team plans on having us do all the graphics and murals for the next two Jumping Daks that will open in Orange County later in the year!
The menu board is an ideal advertising tool that supports the ambiance of any setting. For this reason, each restaurant likes to do something a little different that will tie in to its brand.
Ready to order your wall mural?
Whether you need decorative wall art, murals that pull double duty as menu boards, or need to set the atmosphere of your venue, we can help. Our graphic artists work with you to put together a look that bespeaks your restaurant’s brand message while providing aesthetically pleasing presentations to guests. We will also gladly help you with the design of menu boards. Call us today to get started on your project!