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Where to Buy Election Signs in Orange County

 May 08, 2014
Buy Election Signs in Orange County

Get more exposure with yard signs!

Election signs in Orange County run the gamut from a variety of ballot propositions, local as well as national candidates. Informing the electorate is paramount for political parties and individual candidates hoping to garner votes. While the majority of the information is sent via mail, election yard signs Orange County locals have become accustomed to convey interesting tidbits of information and important reminders to go out and vote.

The Elections Are Near!

Upcoming elections include:

  • California Statewide Direct Primary – June 3, 2014
  • General Electrion – November 4, 2014

What Should Your Signs Accomplish?

Building name recognition is a huge aspect of winning an election. Candidates who do not spend a lot of money on yard signs and other election markers frequently come to regret this decision. While advocating for the issues matters, going after branding and name recognition is crucial for candidates who seek an office that takes them out of their districts. Moreover, groups and political parties advancing a ballot proposal will do well to make their support – or opposition – clear with the help of these signs.

Election yard signs for Orange County

Lead voters to the right place!

Signage Options

Yard signs. The quintessential political marker, the corrugated plastic yard sign is inexpensive and suitable for high-volume orders. Much like construction site signs that need to last only for the duration of the building project, basic yard signs can be single-sided or double-sided. Choose sizes measuring 24 inches by nine inches, 24 inches by 18 inches or 18 inches by 12 inches. Wire stands secure the signs into the soil.

Post and panel acrylic signs. For the campaign headquarters – particularly if they are also the office of a sitting candidate or an action committee – more permanent signage is a good idea. Post and panel signs are quick to put together and budget friendly. Identify the location as well as a brief political message. These markers are also suitable for inviting volunteers to come in and give some of their time for the cause.

Vehicle magnets. Identify yourself as a candidate by using vehicle magnets on your daily driver. Be prepared to shake hands in the grocery store parking lot or anywhere else that you decide to drive. Smaller bumper sticker magnets are excellent handouts for supporters and campaign donors. When you see plenty of vehicles with these magnets driving around, you know that you are generating name recognition.

Window decals. Static-cling vinyl for the inside of a window or easy-peel vinyl for the exterior highlights the two options that will endear you to car owners and store managers. Professionals who are willing to help you advance your cause also appreciate the ability to remove these decals with ease once the campaign is concluded.

Election signs rules for California

Check out the CA rules for election signs here!

Flags and Banners. Of course you should also stuck up on indoor and outdoor banners and flags customized with your name, political party and the office you seek.

Working with a Signage Professional

Since finances are a major concern for any political campaign or candidate, it is always a good idea to work with a sign maker who can commit to providing you with the best products at the most advantageous price. Since these are usually high-volume orders, discuss your election sign needs with the friendly sign professionals at Superior Signs and Graphics for a quote. You might even save some money, especially if you consider ordering in bulk. Click below to learn more about the campaign tools we offer!

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