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Contractors License #1015342


Durable and Attractive Post & Panel Signs for Commercial Real Estate – With Anti-Graffiti Protection in Long Beach!

 Nov 22, 2019

Robert Hodge from Hodge Capital worked with our sign shop last year. When he needed updated signs and wanted to increase his visibility in the Long Beach area, the client contacted us again to discuss the design, manufacture, and installation of post and panel signs with anti-graffiti protection.

Branded Post and Panel Signs Advertise the Services of Hodge Capital

post and panel signs with anti-graffiti protection

We worked with the client to upgrade his existing signage products. The goal was to create a visible presence in and around Long Beach to drive business to his apartment-financing firm. We did so with a set of post and panel signs that feature the client’s unique color play.

Commercial Real Estate Signs in Long Beach CA

The contrast of black, orange, and white works in the client’s favor. The details of the information are easy to read, even at a glance. Most importantly, these signs provide the prospective customer with all the data they need to connect with Hodge Capital.

Anti-Graffiti Laminate Protects a Signage Investment

Commercial Financing Signs in Long Beach CA

As we do with all street-facing signs, we recommended the use of an anti-graffiti laminate. It ensures that taggers will not succeed in permanently defacing the client’s signage investment. While it is impossible to prevent people from trying, the laminate makes cleanup a breeze.

In the past, business owners would pay maintenance crews to paint over the offending scribbles. Sometimes, it was possible to save a sign in this manner. More often than not, this approach did not have much success, and the business owner had to commission a new sign. This is no longer the case.

Post and Panel Commercial Real Estate Signs in Long Beach CA

Cleanup requires little more than a specialized cleaning solution and a soft rag. It is now possible to return any treated sign to its great looks before the vandalism took place. This saves you money and time since commissioning new signs (and waiting for them) always means that you are missing out on an existing advertising opportunity.

Why Choose a Post and Panel Setup?

In addition to building-mounted signs, Hodge Capital has chosen to feature its message with a post and panel setup. Doing so allows the client to control the placement of the signage. Therefore, it is no longer necessary for a wall to face the best marketing opportunity. Instead, you can decide where you want to display your commercial information.

Custom Commercial Real Estate Signs in Long Beach CA

In addition to advertising and branding, post and panel signs are also quickly coming into favor as monument sign alternatives – and much for the same reason. We can place them where it makes the most sense with the ease of installing a couple of posts in your target location’s landscaping. Moreover, it is possible to create double-sided informational presentations with a post and panel setup, which is advantageous when you want to address motorists or pedestrians coming from both directions.

Ordering Post and Panel Signs with Anti-Graffiti Protection in Long Beach, CA

Do not leave the protection of your signs to chance. With targeted anti-graffiti laminates, you know that your products will be safe from vandalism. Most importantly, you know that you do not have to repeat your investment. It does not matter if the sign is a post and panel setup or a window wrap. Contact us today to learn more about your options.

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