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Clients will know just what you offer on the service drive!
What are the must-have signs for auto repair centers in Orange County? Are there some markers that are more important than others? Could you do okay if you kept signage to a minimum? Your questions – answered.
A: At Superior Signs and Graphics, we frequently talk to small business owners who are desperate the save money. When the marketing and signage budgets are lean, it is tempting to cut corners and save money by printing signs on a computer or hand-writing them. But ask yourself: Would you trust your health to a physician who has hand-written signs in and around the office? If not, then why should folks entrust you with their high-tech vehicles?
Let them know your hours!
A: Start out simple and trade up. For example, you might opt for banners and posters. Later, you can trade up and replace these signs with printed vinyl over aluminum. An exterior sign made from outdoor-rated foam is less expensive than other signage solutions. After your marketing budget has increased, it is easy to replace the foam marker with something else. Options abound.
Interior menu board signs for your service department are essential!
A: Yes, there is.
Don’t forget your 15-point inspection sign!
A: Yes, there are. Although they greatly enhance consumers’ experiences with your facility, a monument sign is not necessarily required right away – unless you are located in a setting where your facility is difficult to see from the street. Another sign that can wait until later is the educational indoor marker. Usually, these are retractable banner stands and similar signage solutions.
We know that it can be confusing to figure out exactly what to buy when the budget is tight and you are either upgrading a facility or moving into one. Talk to our friendly signage experts to get more information on how to put your best foot forward – on your budget.