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The uses for vinyl decals are endless!
What could vinyl decals do for your business? How could they help generate name recognition for your group or organization? While members of the business community are well aware of window decals that are excellent during seasonal shopping events and service offerings, there are other uses that are not as widely explored – but this is about to change.
How do you generate name recognition across the city and even beyond its limits? The answer is simple: Give your customers some stickers. Perfect for adding to a bumper, these vinyl decals take your company’s name and logo wherever the customer is driving. Schools are already doing quite a bit of business in this manner. Send home a sticker with the child’s honor roll notification, and the proud parents puts it on the family vehicle. There it markets to everyone who sees the vehicle, which the parent drives. Do this with enough parents, and a school’s name recognition is bound to go up. Why not do it for your business, too?
Use vinyl decals to brand your products!
Static cling stickers are already a favorite of car dealers. Imprinted with the vehicle’s stats, these stickers have a field that allows sales personnel to enter a price, slash a price or display low monthly payments. But who says that this tool is only available for automotive retailers? Why not use it in your china shop, your paint outlet and anywhere else that static cling decals adhere? Better than stickers, these decals are easy to change when you run special promotions.
Set the mood at your event or inside your storefront by employing vinyl decals. When attendees at an outdoor event receive sticky decals to put on their shirts or jackets, you present the media with a pool of likeminded volunteers. When you choose cling decals for the interior that repeat the theme of the month or year on glass surfaces, you enhance the branding of your company and not only get the employee buy-in, but you also impress this part of your brand on consumers who visit your storefront or office.
Great for charity or promotional events!
Do you want to show your customers that you are affiliated with a well-known and well-respected company? Do you manufacture parts for this business and want some of its popularity to rub off on you? Accomplish this by applying branded decals depicting the other company’s name on display products that you manufacture for them. In the alternative, and if you make a particular widget for a large number of well-known companies, consider making an oversized widget and applying branded decals from all those businesses to it. This is a powerful marketing tool that generates trust and enhances your standing in the business community.
Are you ready to put in your order for the vinyl decals Orange County businesses are clamoring to have? Talk to the branding experts at Superior Signs and Graphics for more ways that these decals can make a huge difference in your company’s way of doing business. We gladly offer you suggestions and also sketch out what your vinyl decals could look like and whether to add a sticky back or rely on vinyl cling action.